self-care period tips

Treat-Yo-Self ! The Best Self-Care Period Tips For When Aunt Flo Comes For A Visit.

Ah, periods! What a blast. If it’s not bad enough we are literally bleeding out of our vaginas every single month, for days on end. Getting a visit from Aunt Flo often comes with fun side effects like breast soreness, aching muscles, bloating, headaches, low energy, abdominal cramps and more. We’re hormonal and emotional. We’re […]

Brief History Of Periods

A Brief History Of Periods

Periods for most women are a fact of life. Whether you get your first one at 12 or 20, you’ll likely have regular periods till menopause. Whether we like it or not, our bodies start to do weird stuff to prepare for babies, and we’re simply passengers along for the ride. Even if we have […]

How To Choose Period Protection That Works For You

Being a girl in high school is hard enough. We already have to deal with the stress of figuring out what to do in life. We are trying to live in harmony with our parental units, who don’t seem to understand we’re no longer kids anymore. And we’re discovering hard truths like the fact our […]

pregnant woman

What Are the First Signs of Pregnancy?

Could you be pregnant? Some women know right away. Others might suspect it but aren’t sure yet. The first thing many women notice is a missed period. However, for women with an irregular menstrual cycle, a missed period is not a reliable sign. There are other early signs of pregnancy you can be on the […]